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Matanot L'evyonim 2025

Monday, March 17, 2025 17 Adar 5785

12:00 PM - 1:00 PMOnline


The Mitzvah of Matanot Levyonim is to give at least a small gift to two different people in need. Of course, we are as strict as possible with this Mitzvah, and it is best to make this our most "expensive" Mitzvah on Purim, spending more on it than on Mishloach Manot. You can fulfill this Mitzvah by donating here, on our website so that we can disburse the funds to people who need our help locally and in Israel.

We have a longstanding custom to give tzedaka as a remembrance of the machatzit hashekel, the half shekel, that was collected each year in the Temple era. A half shekel was collected three times when the children of Israel were in the desert. Therefore, our custom is to give three half coins of our most basic currency, a dollor, to charity. 

You can donate to the machatzit hashekel fund online here. Alternatively, you may perform this custom in shul. We will have bowls with three half-dollars taped together in our sanctuary. You can temporarily acquire them by giving a donation and lifting them up. Then, give the three half-dollars back. 

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Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785