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Three Steps Forward Workshop

Session One: Sunday, May 26th @9:30am in the Robert M. Beren Social Hall at UOS: 
Making Shabbat Special

Session Two: Sunday, June 2nd @9:30am in Breakout Room 111-112 at UOS: 
Making Prayer Impactful

Session Three: Sunday, June 9th @9:30am in Breakout Room 111-112 at UOS at UOS: 
Tackling Torah Study 

Session Four: Shavuot, Tuesday, June 11th @10pm in the Robert M. Beren Social Hall at UOS: 
Relationships, Forgiveness, and Parenting 
(No registration is required for Session Four) 

Complimentary childcare is available for registrants of Session Two and Session Three. 

   Session One: UOS Member
   Session One: Non Member
   Session Two: UOS Member
   Session Two: Non Member
   Session Three: UOS Member
   Session Three: Non Member
   Sponsor a Workshop
   Sponsor Three Steps Forward10.00 per UOS member, 15.00 per non member
Sponsor a workshop in honor or memory of a loved one for $180.
Sponsor the Three Steps Forward series in honor or memory of a loved one for $500. 
Complimentary childcare is available for registrants. 
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784