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UOS Committees and Groups

Standing Committee

Education Committee The UOS Adult Education Committee coordinates the educational activities at UOS. Our goal is to enhance the spiritual growth of our members, as well as the continued growth of our community as a whole, as Orthodox Jews. Our mission is to provide a wide variety of meaningful learning opportunities that will strengthen our love of G-d, Torah, and Yisrael, including daily and weekly classes, visiting speakers, and scholars in residence programs. All of the activities are planned in conjunction with Rabbi Sprung.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact our Adult Ed Committee Chair at
House and Grounds The UOS House and Grounds Committee is responsible for overseeing the upkeep of UOS buildings and outdoor areas. This committee focuses on maintaining a safe, attractive, cost- and energy-efficient environment. The House and Grounds Committee works in conjunction with the Security Committee to ensure security and safety.
For more information on the House and Grounds Committee, please contact our House and Grounds Chair, at
Membership  The mission of the UOS Membership Committee is to nurture and engage both current and potential new members, as well as keeping membership information updated.
For further information please contact our VP Membership, at
Ritual  The UOS Ritual Committee focuses on ensuring that t'fillot and services function smoothly for Shabbatot, Holidays and Chol days with the prime objective of cultivating an atmosphere where our members can pray with kavanah. To achieve this, the Ritual Committee is responsible for appointing Shlichei TzibburChazanim, Torah Leiners, Aliyot, Ba'alei Tekiah, making sure the Torah(s) is ready, and much more.  All Ritual Committee activities are conducted in coordination with the UOS Rabbi and based on guidance from the UOS President, Executive Committee and Board.
For more information on the Ritual Committee, please contact our Ritual  Chair, at


Ad Hoc Committee

Cares  The UOS Cares Committee takes on projects that serve the wider Houston community. This is a great opportunity for us to make a Kiddush HaShem outside of our shul community. In the past we have sorted and packed donations at the Houston Food Bank, prepared and served a meal to formerly homeless clients at SEARCH, served a day-after-Thanksgiving brunch (along with board games and a patriotic sing-a-long) to formerly homeless veterans through the US Vets organization, organized a game night for clients at Nora's Home, prepared and delivered treats for our local police station and our local fire station, and volunteered in the kitchen at Aishel House.
For more information on the UOS Cares Committee, please contact the UOS office at 713-723-3850.
Chesed The UOS Chesed Committee provides phone support, bikur cholim, help with errands and rides to medical visits, and bereavement support to UOS members in need.
For more information contact Andrea Eisenstein-Ogorek at 281-630-4220 or Ezra Ogorek at 646-703-1773.
Cooking Group The UOS Cooking Group prepares meals for some of our annual events, including our Purim Seudah, our all-night Shavuot learning, and our Simchas Torah BBQ.
For more information about our UOS Cooking Group, please contact the office at 713-723-3850.
Hospitality The UOS Hospitality Committee places guests in our community with hosts for Shabbos and Yom Tov.
For more information, please contact our Hospitality Chair, at
Mikvah The UOS Mikvah Committee is a group of dedicated women, working together to ensure that the mikvah is a clean, safe and welcoming space. In addition to helping with the basics, the Mikvah Committee helps to plan women's programming, particularly related to mikvah and women's health.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact our Director of Mikvah, at
Programming / Events The UOS Programming/Events Committee plans fun events and outings that the whole community, all ages, can enjoy.
To get involved or to share your ideas, please contact
Tzedakah The UOS Tzedakah Committee collects funds during weekday services, in the morning and evening. After we have collected over $11,000, we donate $10,000 to a worthy cause. Some extra money is reserved for individuals who come to us for donations to schools or causes in Israel that we have supported with small donations for many years. It usually takes a couple of years to reach the required sum after a donation has been made. This cause to which we donate is either one in the general community (usually identified by talking to the Jewish Federation) or one of pressing need in our own UOS community. Examples of the former category include a donation to support genetic testing for engaged couples and a donation to Aishel House. In the latter category were a donation to the Beren Academy for a special project and a donation to the rabbi's discretionary fund after Hurricane Harvey when he had exhausted all his funds and many individuals were still in desperate need of help.
For more information or to volunteer please contact our Tzedakah Committee Chair at
Young Professionals Events and initiatives run by the UOS Young Professionals Committee are designed to create a space for members of our community who are still early in their careers, encourage lasting connection to UOS, and build awareness of UOS in the larger Young Professional community in Houston. While all are welcome, the events are not designed to be friendly to children.
To get involved or to share your ideas, please contact
Women's Programming The UOS Women's Programming Group plans and runs programs for the women of our community. Recently, we have had two Rosh Chodesh "Torah and Yoga" events, a Hamantaschen Prep event with a Purim Shiur, a Tichel Tying class, a Shabbos afternoon board game get-together, a Shavuot Ice-cream Social with Shiurim,  and a 5-part summer shiur titled "Second Chances in the Bible".
To get involved or to share your ideas, please contact
Youth Programming Information about UOS Youth Programming can be found here.


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